$4.4m grant

21 Apr 2017 Shepparton News, Shepparton VIC (General News) by Libby Price FACILITY GIVEN ITS LARGEST CASH INJECTION EVER Benalla Health has received the largest single government grant in its history nearly $4.4 million dollars in Victorian Government funding for construction of a new wing in the Morrie Evans aged-care facility. The grant also includes funding for a new defibrillator monitor, a portable ultrasound and upgrading of information technology. Benalla Health chief executive Janine Holland said she was thrilled beyond words. The funding will mean the facility which historically has had four residents per room will ultimately have 30 one-bed rooms, each with an ensuite. Works are already under way converting some rooms to two beds each, but the new funding will mean that will now be superseded by single-bed rooms. Building will commence later on this year, we hope, Ms Holland said. It will go to tender and then the board (of Benalla Health) will endorse the preferred builder and well start. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the funding of $4 396 640 was through the first round of the Labor Governments new Regional Health Infrastructure Fund. The $200 million fund the largest of its kind in history supports country hospitals to purchase necessary equipment, update IT and communications and build new facilities, so that the hard-working doctors, nurses and staff can get on with doing what they do best, caring for our community and saving lives, Ms Symes said. Almost $2 million will be spent to improve the Morrie Evans Wing of the hospital, with the construction of new buildings consisting of 16 single rooms with ensuites, sitting and sunroom, nurses offices and store rooms. Morrie Evans nurse unit manager Nathan Willoughby said the extensions would bring the aged-care facility up to accepted standards. It was pretty archaic as far as the conditions we were expecting people to come in and pay money to be in, Mr Willoughby said. This gets us to the point where they (residents) will have privacy, dignity, and theyll be able to make that space their own. Caption Text: Thrilled: Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes with Benalla Healths Morrie Evans facilitys nurse unit manager Nathan Willoughby, chief executive officer Janine Holland and clinical services director Maree Woodhouse. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.