A massive win for Nagambie

13 Dec 2017 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) NAGAMBIE is set to host some of the best athletes from around the world thanks to Labor Government funding for the World Parachutists Over Phorty (POPs) Championships, to be held April 2018. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) who secured $20,000 in funding from the State Governments Significant Sporting Events Program, said the World Championships never held before in Victoria would be a massive win for Nagambie. The World Parachutists Over Phorty Championships to be held from April 19 to 28, 2018 at Skydive Nagambie, is expected to attract thousands of competitors and spectators. The World Championship sky diving event will see the best of the best male and female skydivers over 40-years-old compete. This is a massive win for Nagambie, and will put the region on the international skydiving stage, Ms Symes said. Im sure Nagambie business and tourism operators will take full advantage of this major opportunity to promote and showcase the region to the world. Not only will this event bring tourists to v/89d01757-v4/5017 Nagambie it will also help create jobs and keep our economy strong and businesses busy and inspire the next generation of aspiring athletes to join clubs and emulate these skydiving daredevils. Sporting events like these play a big part in Victorias tourism economy which generates 210,000 jobs and more than $21 billion annually. Victoria is proud to be Australias sporting centre and the Victorian Government is committed to seeing Victoria attract the top sporting events from across the world just like the World POPS Champ Championships. To date the 2014-2018 Significant Sporting Events Program has provided $6,677,400 in funding to secure 276 big sporting events to Victoria. More than half of these events have been held in country Victoria. Grants are available to support event organisers, state sporting associations, sporting venues or Local Government Authorities boost the profile and legacy of significant sporting events or assist with operational requirements. For more information or to apply online, visit www.sport.vic.gov.au Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.