Ambulance responses improve

07 Feb 2018 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) k Ambulance response times in Benalla have significantly improved during the past t 12 months, with 66.5 per cent now arriving t within 15 minutes for Code One emerg encies, up from 57 per cent. s e This means the average time for an ambulance to reach the scene of a Code One emergency in Benalla has improved from , 17:02 minutes to 13:55. a Response times have improved across the n state and more elective surgeries are being y done on time than ever before, thanks to record investment by the state government. State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes was in Benalla on Thursday to discuss the release of the Victorian Health Services and Ambulance Victoria Perform ance Data. These strong results from our hospitals and ambulance service are more than just numbers they represent more lives saved and people getting the care they need faster, Ms Symes said. Victorians deserve nothing less than a health system that they and their loved ones can rely on when they need it and thats what were delivering. The figures released highlight that ambulances and hospitals have kept up with demand despite enduring Australias worst flu season. The latest data finds that statewide: 81.4 per cent of Code One ambulances are arriving within 15 minutes of call-out, compared with 76 per cent a year earlier; ambulances are getting to life-threatening emergencies more than a minute-and a-quarter faster compared to last years result at an average of 11 minutes 42 seconds; 47 911 elective surgeries were performed in the past quarter; and 473 441 patients were admitted to hospital the highest number ever recorded exceeding admissions at the same time a year ago, when hospitals were hit hard by Victorias thunderstorm asthma event. Labor says these figures are the results of record funding boosts and major health reforms. Health and Ambulance Services Minister Jill Hennessy said Labors reforms ensured ambulances were able to focus on prioritising the Code One callouts and get the d most ill and injured patients to hospital more d quickly. n Under the Liberals, ambulance response times blew out to the worst on the Australian s mainland and if ever given the chance they would once again cut health services and undermine our paramedics, she said.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or