Asbestos to be removed

04 Oct 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) Benalla P-12 Colleges Waller St Campus will be asbestos free by 2020 under an initiative announced by State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes last week. It is one of a number of schools across the North East where work will be undertaken to remove the high-risk materials, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government. Ms Symes announced that more than $850 000 was being invested to remove asbestos that may pose a risk in the future, $10 000 of which will be spent on Benalla P-12. The funding is provided as part of the $155 million Victorian School Asbestos Removal Program, which will remove asbestos from 34 schools in North East Victoria. Works to be carried out in the coming months include the removal and replacement of filing cabinets and safes containing asbestos that may pose a risk in future. Medium-sized removal works such as the removal of cement sheet ceilings, walls and eaves will be undertaken during the next year. All remaining asbestos that may pose a risk in the future will be removed by 2020. Ms Symes said Labor had promised to get rid of asbestos in schools and thats exactly what they are doing. It is part of our plan to improve school infrastructure right across the state and ensure every school is safe and fit for purpose, Ms Symes said. Were giving parents, teachers and students in Victorias North East peace of mind by removing asbestos that could pose a risk in the future, because theres nothing more important than the health and safety of our kids. The Labor Government undertook an extensive, statewide audit of 1712 government schools, which found 497 contained high-risk asbestos. The Victorian Budget 2017/18 included $85 million for the next phase of the Victorian School Asbestos Removal Program. Were giving parents, teachers and students in Victorias North East peace of mind by removing asbestos that could pose a risk in the future, because theres nothing more important than the health and safety of our kids.? Jaclyn Symes Caption Text: Jaclyn Symes High-risk material removal: Benalla P-12s Waller St Campus will be asbestos free by 2020. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.