Biodiversity grants given

20 Sep 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) The Honeysuckle Recreational Environment Project Working Group (HREP), and the Friends of Winton Wetlands will receive a share of $4 million of community grants announced by the Victorian Government. State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes announced the funding which is part of the governments second round of community grants for its Biodiversity On-ground Action program. HREP, a sub-committee of the Violet Town Action Group, will get $48 440 for its Zooming in and out on threatened species in Violet Town project. The Friends of Winton Wetlands have been allocated $49 150 towards the Sticking our necks out for Turtle conservation project. The Victorian Government approved these grants as part of its ongoing support for local community groups in protecting and further enhancing local biodiversity. Ms Symes said local community initiatives throughout Northern Victoria would receive part of the $4 million to help protect, improve and expand habitats for Victorias native plants and animals. It will also contribute to the targets in the Victorian Governments Biodiversity Plan Biodiversity 2037. Many Northern Victoria communities are already hard at work protecting and restoring Victorias unique natural environment and these grants will further assist in the protection and enhancement of the local biodiversity, Ms Symes said. These community group efforts are making a real difference and are helping to deliver on the targets in the Biodiversity 2037 (plan). In the last year many dedicated local community groups in Northern Victoria helped to reduce threats and improve the survival of threatened species. The Labor Government is committed to protecting country Victorias biodiversity and encourages local community members to get involved and participate with their local community groups. Caption Text: Right: The Friends of Winton Wetlands will receive a grant of nearly $50 000. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.