Boom gates and lights deliver critical safety upgrade for Euroa

23 Aug 2017 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) THE Andrews Labor Government has installed boom gates and flashing lights at the Angle Road level crossing in Euroa boosting safety for farmers, locals and motorists Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) announced today. The new boom gates and lights, funded through the Labor Governments Safer Country Crossings Program, provide a barrier and better warning to motorists of oncoming trains. Works at Angle Road were carried out between May and July, with the Labor Government fast-tracking all country crossing upgrades to be completed by late 2018. Boom gates and flashing lights will reduce the risk of accidents on the Angle Road level crossing, boosting safety for local residents, motorists and train passengers, Ms Symes said. Its part of the Labor Governments $50 million investment crossing upgrades in country Victoria, to get people home safer wherever they live. I also expect ARTC and VicTrack to finalise a works schedule shortly on the Birkett Street underpass which will significantly boost pedestrian safety, providing residents with safe access under the railway line without having to walk in front of vehicles over the railway line. The $50 million program is upgrading 52 high-risk road crossings and 25 dangerous pedestrian crossings across the state. Some 22 level crossings and four pedestrian crossings have already been upgraded through the program. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.