Boorhaman golfers snare a defibrillator

20 Nov 2017 Wangaratta Chronicle, Wangaratta VIC (General News) by Samantha Dick BOORHAMAN Golf Club is one of four North East sports facilities to receive a lifesaving defibrillator from the State Government. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) highlighted that without a defibrillator close by, the survival rate for sudden cardiac arrest is somewhere between two and five per cent. When a defibrillator is used within the first few minutes, the rate of survival can rise to 70 per cent, she said. Boorhaman Golf Club secretary Judy Byrne said she was very pleased the club had been selected, particularly given the clubs function as a venue for a variety of sporting and community groups. We dont just do golf; we also have tennis and people who book the hall space for functions, she said. Were a small community here, but very active. Ms Byrne reflected on a recent incident where a defibrillator helped to save the life of former Wangaratta Magpies cricketer Barry Grant during a heart attack. The 51 year old was spotted having a heart attack by Magpies footballers and officials, who performed CPR and gave him two shocks from the defibrillator before paramedics arrived. St Johns will provide training at Boorhaman Golf Club from 7-9pm on December 11. Caption Text: GOOD TO HAVE: Boorhaman Golf Club secretary Judy Byrne welcomes the livesaving equipment. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.