Boost for health facilities

03 May 2017 Shepparton News, Shepparton VIC (General News) Health facilities in Cobram and Yarrawonga are set to receive upgrades after the Victorian Government announced a $1.5 million funding boost for Yarrawonga Health and Cobram District Health. Labor Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes announced the injection and said Yarrawonga Health would carry out refurbishment works at Warrina Hostel in Yarrawonga to improve the current facilities and living conditions for residents as well as provide better working conditions for staff. She said Cobram District Health would replace and upgrade the current telecommunications system, upgrade the electrical substation and switchboard, and decommission the entire chilled water plant, removing the cooling towers and replacing them with a new and more efficient airconditioning unit at Cobram Hospital. Ms Symes said the funding was provided through the Victorian Governments regional health infrastructure fund and would significantly enhance the quality of life for residents at Warrina Hostel as well as provide upgrades at Cobram Hospital, which would allow staff to better care for patients. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.