Bright water gets the star treatment

08 Mar 2017 Myrtleford Times, Myrtleford VIC (General News) BRIGHTS new Water Treatment Plant is set to be officially opened this afternoon ensuring the security of Bright, Wandiligong and Porepunkahs water supply. The $6.4 million facility is up and running and North East Water chair David McKenzie said the water treatment plant completes the $19.3 million Bright water security project, including a 520 million litre raw water storage, an additional two million litre drinking water storage tank and a 7.6 kilometre pipeline into town. The project was 10 years in the processes of consulting, planning and construction and we are really proud of the end result, he said. We are pleased that members of the community, including the project reference groups and surrounding neighbours will attend the official opening ceremony. Their input, support and patience during the entire project is greatly appreciated by the Corporation. Upper House Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the new plant could produce five megalitres per day, which will keep up with demand during peak times and has been designed to accommodate population growth and future development in the three towns it supplies. She said the Water Treatment Plant uses a dissolved air floatation and filtration process, which removes contaminants more effectively. This is a new innovative water treatment plant which significantly upgrades the quality and capability of the towns water supply, Ms Symes said. It is an efficient, environmentally friendly state-of-theart facility, designed to blend with the local environment. The Alpine Shire is growing, with its population expected to reach 12,499 people by 2031, and that is why the state government is getting on with planning for the future needs this growth will bring, acting now to put the infrastructure in place that ensures a vibrant and liveable place to live and work now and into the future. The Victorian Government provided $2 million, through Regional Development Victoria, towards the new facility. Caption Text: BLENDING RIGHT IN: The newly built Bright Water Treatment Plant is now operational and North East Water project engineer Naomi Sheppard and operations officer Dylan Hetherington are making sure everything is running smoothly. PHOTO: Vanessa Burgess Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.