Broadford bonanza

13 Dec 2016 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) THE Broadford Living and Learning Centre is set to undergo a major revamp with Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes announcing a $565,000 funding boost towards vital upgrades. Making the announcement Monday, December 12, Ms Symes said the funding would help revitalise the centre and transform it into a modern community facility designed to respond to the changing needs of the expanding Broadford community. Anyone who visits the community centre will see the potential for a vibrant buzzing community asset, but the condition of the facility is holding this back, Ms Symes said. This is another great project being delivered for the people of Broadford by the Andrews Labor Government and Im sure the community will welcome this latest investment. The project will be led by the Mitchell Shire Council and will seek community input of the works, with opportunity to comment on the plans and potential changes and inclusions prior to the renovations commencing. The charm of the buildings 1930s facade will be retained but improvements will be made with a new interior layout, improved technology, better accessibility; modern and energy efficient heating, lighting and water, and a new kitchen area and servery. Mitchell Shire Mayor Cr Rhonda Sanderson thanked the state government for the funding which will help modernise the facility and add to the growing community precinct in High Street. Mitchell Shire Council is very pleased that the Andrews Government is partnering with us to bring new life into the Broadford Living and Learning Centre for the residents of Broadford and surrounds, Cr Sanderson said at the funding announcement. In the next 15 years, Mitchell Shires population will double. We are already seeing growth in Broadford which is placing pressure on a range of community services. This funding will help revamp the Broadford Living and Learning Centre and further improve this important community precinct. It is very exciting to see the centre being transformed to better serve the needs of our community now and in the future, Cr Sanderson added. The total cost of the project is $593,250. Through its Growing Suburbs Fund, the State Government will commit $565,000. Mitchell Shire Council will invest over $28,000 as an inkind contribution. Caption Text: Vital upgrade: (second from right) Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes was joined by (from left) Mitchell Shire Council coordinator of youth and community development Buffy Leadbeater, CEO of the Centre for Continuing Education Felicity Willliams, Mitchell Shire Council Mayor Cr Rhonda Sanderson and Broadford Living and Learning Centre Steering Committee members Andrew McKay and Marian Douglas at yesterdays funding announcement. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.