Broadford fire station moving well

23 Oct 2018 Whittlesea Review, Whittlesea (General News) BROADFORD will have a new mulli-milllon dollar fire station with construction well advanced by the end of the year, as the new emergency services hub takes shape. Upper House Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes visited the site for a behind-the-scenes tour of the new station on Hamilton Street. The $2.45 million CFA facility will be co-located with an Ambulance Victoria station Broadfords first ever ambulance station. The new CFA station will replace the current fire station as it no longer meets the needs of the Broadford Fire Brigades volunteers. The new station has a number of important features, including a three-bay drive-through motor room, turn-out areas for the volunteers, workshop and a stand-alone shed, office space and a training yard. The Broadford Fire Brigade is a busy brigade with a very active and passionate volunteer membership, so its important it has access to the best possible facilities and equipment, Ms Symes said. The new fire station on Hamilton Street will be part of an emergency services hub. providing a centralised point from which firefighters and paramedics respond to emergencies. I look forward to the fire station opening in the coming months Broadford has had a volunteer fire service since 1934, when the Broadford Bushfire Brigade was formed. The towns urban brigade was established In 1947, with the two brigades amalgamating in 1989 to form the Broadford Fire Brigade. The brigade currently has 64 volunteer members, who responded to almost 150 incidents In the 2017-18 financial year.