Buses in line for Saturday service

28 Mar 2018 McIvor Times, Heathcote VIC (General News) HEATHCOTE could soon have a Saturday bus service if proposed changes are passed. Locals are being encouraged to have their say on changes to the Heathcote-Junortoun-Bendigo bus service, which include new route options and a weekend service. The proposal would introduce three return bus services between Heathcote, Junortoun and Bendigo Station on Saturdays for the first time, as well as five return trips each weekday. The changes would improve local transport options on Saturdays and simplify the weekday timetable by making it consistent Monday to Friday. Locals are invited to have their say on the two bus route options presented as part of consultation. The first option would see the bus travel to and from Heathcote and Bendigo Station via McIvor Forest Dve, Strath Village Shopping Centre and La Trobe University, while the second option would travel to and from Heathcote direct to Bendigo Station via McIvor Forest Dve and the McIvor Hwy. Its also proposed to extend Bendigos route 63 bus so it runs between La Trobe University and Bendigo Hospital via Bendigo Station on weekdays. This would give locals access to Bendigo Hospital by bus every 30 minutes from Bendigo Station. I encourage local residents to join in the consultation process to ensure they have input into the service they want, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said. Information sessions will be held by Transport for Victoria in Junortoun on April 19 from 4-7pm and Heathcote from 4-7pm on April 18 to give people a chance to talk to transport planners and provide feedback on the options. For more information and to have your say on the route options visit getinvolved.transport.vic.gov.au/ heathcote-junortoun or call 1800 800 007 before April 30. The new services will be introduced in the latter half of this year after all feedback has been considered.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.