Businesses benefit from bus

06 Sep 2017 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) Small business operators had access to free advice when the Small Business Bus hit Seymour on Friday. While the bus was parked outside the Commonwealth Bank in Station St, information officer Sakin Boyaci assisted passers-by with their questions, while inside the bus a specialist small business mentor gave tailored advice to prospective and current business owners. The Small Business Bus is a great service for local businesses to have access to expert face-to-face advice anywhere in Victoria, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said. This program plays an important part in Labors commitment to providing Victorians with greater access to government support services to encourage business and jobs growth across the state. This method of a roaming, free information service has proven popular and effective for people seeking help from Business Victoria who would otherwise have to travel to Melbourne to do so. Bus mentors have extensive experience in marketing, finance, human resources and sales. The experts have extensive experience in operating small businesses and in senior business management roles. To find out when the Small Business Bus is nearby, next in town, or to book an appointment head to http:/ / Caption Text: Providing advice: The Small Business Bus, and information officer Sakin Boyaci, in Seymour on Friday. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.