Carers get more funding

18 Oct 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes has launched regional Victorias National Carers Week, announcing an additional $265 000 for Carers Victoria. Ms Symes joined Carers Victoria chairman Glenn Campbell for the regional launch in Heathcote. Ms Symes said the Labor Government recognised the importance of carers for people with a disability and thats why it had announced funding as part of a second round under the Transition Support Package. There are about 773 400 unpaid carers in Victoria looking after people of all ages with a disability, mental illness, chronic health condition, terminal illness or addiction. Carers Victoria carried out an online survey and 35 face-to-face consultations across the state to find out what mattered most to carers in terms of recognition, support and information and potential improvements that the carers sector needs. More than 1300 responses were received as part of the research, which will play an integral part in broader reforms for Victorian carers. The comprehensive and wide-ranging feedback will be used to inform a Carers Strategy, to be released in 2018. National Carers Week is in opportunity to celebrate the outstanding work of thousands of unpaid carers and their valuable contribution to the community, Ms Symes said. Im particularly pleased that Labor has once again provided additional funding for Carers Victoria, who do amazing work within our community. Developing a strategy to support carers and better reflect the responses received in the recent consultations is a demonstration of the commitment the Andrews Labor Government has to Victorias dedicated carers. The government has invested an additional $10 million in the Transition Support Package for organisations to support carers, people with a disability, their families, disability workers and service providers transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Caption Text: Jaclyn Symes Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.