Cash to keep kids active at local primary school

01 Aug 2018 McIvor Times, Heathcote VIC (General News) HEATHCOTE Primary School will be one of 300 lucky Victorian schools to benefit from the state governments $1.1 million Active Kids initiative. Funding will be provided to disadvantaged primary, secondary and specialist schools to help them overcome cost barriers to participating in inter-school sport. This will ensure assistance is provided to students at Heathcote Primary who need it the most. The initiative will help the school pay for costs such as equipment, uniforms, transport, entry fees, coaching, venue hire and coverage of relief teachers. We know the cost of inter-school sports can be a barrier for students participating in sports, which is why were helping Northern Victoria schools cover those costs, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said. This funding will help our country schools pay for things such as equipment, uniforms and transport so those costs arent a barrier for students participating in inter-school sports. Happy, healthy students are better students and inter-school sports are a great way to engage children in physical activity. The Active Kids initiative, announced as part of the 2018-19 state budget, will encourage more students to reap the benefits of participating in sport and physical activity. Its all part of the governments drive to meet the Education State target of increasing the proportion of students taking part in physical activity five times a week. By encouraging students to be more active, the aim is to increase the proportion of kids staying active and make students happier, healthier and more resilient.