Childrens events funded

11 Oct 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) The Victorian Government is helping put on fun, educational and free events this October for Benalla families and children as part of Childrens Week. State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes recently announced that Benalla Rural City Council was among the 69 recipients of a Childrens Week grant, receiving funding to help it hold #Fun #Create #Experiment. #Fun #Create #Experiment is an after school event, which will be held at the Benalla Library on Tuesday, October 24, 3.15 pm to 5 pm. It is a joint partnership between Benalla Family Services and the Sir Edward Weary Dunlop Learning Centre, and includes: A free afternoon tea of fresh fruit; An opportunity to participate in storytelling and book reading; Hands-on activities involving science, experiments and engineering; Indoor and outdoor activities for parents and children; and Free books for families. The array of grants announced range from $500 to $1300 and will be provided to not-for-profit organisations and councils to host free and fun activities for families as part of Childrens Week, which runs from October 21 to 29. We are helping families in Benalla hold free events that will be fun and full of help when it comes to raising happy, healthy kids ready for kinder, ready for school and ready for life, Ms Symes said. Childrens Week is a fantastic celebration that recognises the talents, skills and achievements of children in Benalla. The 2017 Childrens Week theme recognises the power of education to transform a childs life. Childrens Week events are free for families with children aged 0-12 years and are a great opportunity for families to enjoy a fun, engaging and educational experience. These grants reinforce the governments commitment to its $202.1 million Education State Early Childhood Reform Plan, which recognises the importance of providing families with strong support in early childhood. For more information, visit childrensweek.aspx Caption Text: Venue: The Sir Edward Weary Dunlop Learning Centre will host #Fun #Create #Experiment. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.