Comforts for train

19 Apr 2017 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) by Will Murray V/LINE unveiled an extra train for the North East line last Thursday, with Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) and her children Philippa and Archie climbing aboard for its debut run. The newly refurbished train brings the total number running along the line to four, providing what Ms Symes said was a more reliable service to North East passengers. Previously, three trains operated on the North East line the bare minimum required to operate the three return services that run between Melbourne and Albury each day, Ms Symes said. This meant that if a train had to be taken out of service for maintenance or repairs, there was no option but to put passengers on coaches. The fourth train, which entered service this morning, will provide an extra train set for the North East line meaning there will be one in reserve if anything unexpected happens. The refurbished train comes as part of the State Governments $15 million investment into the North East line. The improvements are in the form of replaced cushions, reupholstered seats, new carpet, curtains, lighting, and a new paint job. There are also new toilets with better accessibility for people with disabilities and parents with prams, greater storage capacity for bikes, and a new buffet section on board. As part of the funding for the line, the remaining three trains will also undergo refurbishment. Steph Ryan (MLA, Euroa) scoffed at the reveal of refurbished train, saying the Andrews Government was taking passengers on the North East line for fools. These trains are the same old clunkers that have been on the line for decades, Ms Ryan said. The vast majority of cancelled services are the result of the age and poor condition of the trains on the line. A new logo and an update to the upholstery isnt going to fix those problems. Passengers on the North East line deserve more than the spin and the coat of paint were getting from the Andrews Labor Government. After her call for new trains was slapped down by (Transport Minister) Jacinta Allan, Jaclyn Symes is capitulating to her Melbourne masters by endeavouring to sell this disgrace as a win for passengers. However, Ms Symes hit back at the oppositions criticism, pointing to their lack of improved services during their time in government. After four years of complete inaction under the former Liberal Nationals State Government, its exciting to see this train hit the tracks, Ms Symes said. The refurbishment of the fleet will make our trains more comfortable and reliable and if the Federal Government provides funding to fix the track we will have a much better service and avoid the need for coach replacements. We are getting on with it, delivering refurbished trains and working on the long term plan for better services for Northern Victoria. Caption Text: NOW ARRIVING: Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) and Archie disembark at the station in Euroa. TICK OF APPROVAL: Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) and her children Philippa and Archie, who gave the refurbished trains the thumbs up. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.