Council takes up the ice battle

24 Aug 2017 Corryong Courier, Corryong VIC (General News) Towong Shire Council is one of 13 community groups to receive Community Ice Action grants, to roll out local initiatives to fight against ice and drug addiction in communities across the state. Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, announced the grants on Monday including $10,000 for Towong Council to deliver Beat n Boredom, a battle of the bands music event. The event is organised by Towong youth in partnership with local secondary schools, Gateway Community Health, North East Local learning and Employment Network, Victoria Police, Mungabareena Aboriginal Corporation, Tallangatta and Corryong Health Services, Tallangatta Neighbourhood House and young volunteers, Events such as the battle of the bands, competitions, grassroots education programs for sporting teams, forums for indigenous people and the creation of youth groups will enable community groups to reach those most at risk of dangerous drug use, Ms Symes said. We know there is no single solution to stop ice and it is wonderful to see the Towong Council and Tallangatta community groups come up with creative and engaging plans to educate people on the dangers of ice. Every local community is different and we are proud to be supporting Northern Victoria groups to rid their communities of ice through strategics that will work for their area.' Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.