Crime prevention grants

23 May 2017 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) GRANTS of up to $10,000 are now available to help Northern Victoria tackle local crime as part of the $19.4 million investment in the Community Crime Prevention Program. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes and Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green announced last week that applications were now open for the latest round of Community Safety Fund (CSF) grants and encouraged council and community groups to apply. The grants provide funding for councils and not-for-profit community groups to deliver projects that help prevent crime and support people to feel safer and more engaged in their communities. Projects that may be funded under the Community Safety Fund grants include: New security equipment and infrastructure (locks, vandal-proof security lighting, security screens, alarms, fencing and gates) Small-scale, physical improvements and upgrades to public spaces such as streetscapes, parks and reserves to improve community use of these areas. Education and awareness initiatives to help prevent motor vehicle and personal property theft and residential and retail burglaries. Ms Green said since July 2015, the state government has provided more than $1.6 million in CSF grants to help support local crime prevention projects across Victoria. Communities across the northern suburbs understand the local issues that matter and I encourage council and community groups in the area to apply for the latest round of grants, Ms Green said. Ms Symes said the Community Safety Fund grants allows councils and community groups to harness local knowledge and deliver small projects that will make a big difference. By delivering local initiatives that help stop crime before it happens, we are continuing to build a safer community in the Mitchell Shire, Ms Symes said. Applications for the latest round are now open and close at 4pm on Friday July 14 2017. For further information about the grants, including guidelines for applicants, please visit www. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.