Drug rehab location decided

02 May 2018 Border Mail, Albury-Wodonga (General News) WANGARATTA will be the location of a 30-bed residential rehabilitation facility for the Hume region, Northern Victoria MLC Jaclyn Symes confirmed yesterday. The facility is one of three to be constructed in regional Victoria, sharing in $40.6 million over the next three years. Ms Symes said the contract for the location was being finalised and extensive community consultation would be undertaken. Wangaratta is a community that has demonstrated grassroots campaigning . Ive always thought it would be best placed because of its community passion to address the problem but also because geographically, its very well-placed for the service, she said. Ms Symes also welcomed planning money for a number of North East tourism and development projects. The Falls to Hotham Iconic Trail will receive $2 million, the Murray River Adventure Trail $500,000, the Wangaratta Digital Hub $300,000 and another $300,000 will go to the Wodonga Business Innovation Cluster, which Ms Symes said was a priority outlined in the Ovens Murray Regional Assembly. It will stimulate entrepreneurship and innovation within the Ovens Murray through the development of an innovation hub theres a strong entrepreneurial movement in North East Victoria, she said. Theres also a trial were rolling out to 100 schools, giving secondary school students the opportunity to do an apprenticeship at school so they come out fully qualified. Wodonga is growing really quickly and you have country kids that want to stay we want to make sure it is as easy as possible for them to access training. Caption Text: BOOST: Northern Victoria MLC Jaclyn Symes has welcomed funding to make TAFE more accessible, and announced the location of a Hume drug rehabilitation facility.Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.