Funds flow to Tatura

16 Dec 2016 Shepparton News, Shepparton VIC (General News) by Hayden Thomson AMBULANCE, RACECOURSE TO BENEFIT FROM FUNDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Victorian Government representatives, including Premier Daniel Andrews, visited two Tatura locations yesterday to discuss two exciting projects in the town. Premier Daniel Andrews, Ambulance Services Minister Jill Hennessey and Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes met with paramedics to discuss plans for the new ambulance station to be built in Tatura. Tatura is an area where weve got people who need good pre-emergency care and at the moment we have other towns servicing Tatura, Ms Hennessy said. Weve got general growth in the Goulburn Valley and we need to get resources into these small towns. Ambulance Victoria emergency operations executive director Mick Stephenson said ambulance resources in Tatura were expected to be operational by June 2017 with the building finalised by December 2018. Earlier in the day, Racing Minister Martin Pakula visited the Tatura racecourse to announce a joint funding package of $106 000 to upgrade the racecourse. Last month, funding was used to upgrade the underground drainage system at the racecourse to ensure the track was in top condition for the recent Italian Plate event. The government funded $53 000 towards the project, courtesy of its Victorian Racing Industry Fund, and Racing Victoria and Country Racing Victoria also contributed $26 500 each. Country racing is a major contributor to the economy not only in the Goulburn Valley region but across the entire state, Racing Minister Martin Pakula said. Were please to support this upgrade to the drainage system which is essential to the continued safe running of meetings at Tatura. Caption Text: Fly by: Ambulance Services Minister Jill Hennessy, Premier Daniel Andrews and Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes visited Tatura yesterday. Exciting upgrade: Racing Minister Martin Pakula and Tatura and Shepparton Racing Club president Michael Toll at the Tatura racecourse. Pictures: Hayden Thomson Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.