GBCMA is kicking goals: report

15 Feb 2017 Numurkah Leader, Numurkah VIC (General News) NORTHERN Victoria MP, Jaclyn Symes, praised the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority for its performance, which was recently outlined in an achievement report. e 2015-16 Victorian Catchment Management Authorities Actions and Achievements Report, outlined the work of the states 10 catchment management authorities. Key results for the GBCMA included, completing $138m worth of farm water projects, and delivering more than 690,000 megalitres of environmental water in the lower Broken Creek, Kinnairds Wetland, Barmah Forest, Doctors Swamp, Black Swamp, Reedy Swamp, lower Goulburn River and Moodie Swamp. It also continued its partnerships with traditional owners through locals projects and scholarships, encouraging young Yorta Yorta or Taungurung people to complete post-school studies. Ms Symes said CMAs deliver very important services, including waterway and oodplain management, to Northern Victoria communities. It is clear from this report that Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority have worked hard to maintain waterways and improve their quality, she said. She said CMAs also supported drought a ected farmers through establishing drought employment crews, and undertook regional climate change adaptation planning to identify priority landscapes and natural resource management actions. GBCMA Chair, Murray Chapman, attributed the successful outcomes to its collaborative work with local landholders, traditional owners, local government and other agencies. ese groups help us identify priorities and activities to continue to improve our sustainable agricultural industries and protect the environment, he said. A healthy environment underpins the healthy, productive, vibrant communities that make our region such a great place to live, work, invest and visit. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence