Government to double small school bandwidth

24 May 2017 Myrtleford Times, Myrtleford VIC (General News) DEDERANG, Tawonga and Bogong Outdoor school students will benefit from doubled internet bandwidth. The Victorian government is spending $16.54 million to improve internet connectivity in smaller rural and regional schools. The three Alpine Shire campuses are among 160 in northern Victoria targeted for the upgrade. Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) said the improvements were designed to provide all students with access to a first rate digital education regardless of where they live. By investing in digital connectivity for rural and regional schools we can ensure our teachers can offer the same standard of digital education as metropolitan schools, she said. No student should miss out on learning the skills they need for the jobs of the future. Dederang and Tawonga schools have a combined enrolment of about 70 students. The Outdoor school one of three in Victoria offers personal development, critical thinking and naturelearning opportunities. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.