Indoor pool a chance

25 Jan 2017 Cobram Courier, Cobram VIC (General News) by Jenna Bishop Moira Shire Council will take a closer look at the feasibility of an indoor pool in the shire after receiving $30 000 from the Victorian Government. Council will use the funding to develop a strategic approach for the future provision of indoor aquatic facilities. The Courier had requested further details and comment from council, but did not receive anything before the papers print deadline. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the major injection of funding from the governments Community Sports Infrastructure Fund would ensure many country towns in northern Victoria were provided with the facilities they needed. Ms Symes said the funding would secure new change room facilities for female athletes, new tennis courts, playgrounds, additional lighting, ground and pavilion upgrades, construction and upgrade of multi-sports facilities, improved aquatic facilities and help the council plan for future needs. I am very proud that Labor is delivering for country clubs and providing the facilities they need to attract new members and provide local communities with the recreation needs they have called for, Ms Symes said. Whether you play tennis, football, netball, cricket, soccer, basketball, or ride a BMX, skateboard, swim or socially exercise, Labor is getting on with the job of providing country communities with the facilities they need. Ms Symes said the new and expanded facilities throughout northern Victoria would be a massive boost to local communities. Grassroots sports clubs are the lifeblood of towns. It is where communities get together, locals embrace healthy and active lifestyles and kids enjoy special memories that stay with them for life, she said. For too long, country communities in northern Victoria have had to contend with ageing facilities. Thats why Labor promised wed help clubs update tired grounds and build the facilities they need, and we are doing that. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence