Light to shine on soccer pitch

23 Aug 2017 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) Evening training sessions for users of Broadford Secondary Colleges soccer pitch are about to become a whole lot brighter thanks to a major lighting upgrade. The $121 275 upgrade is part of the Victorian Governments Shared Facilities Fund, which helps build much-needed facilities at schools in growing areas. Mitchell Shire Council and Broadford Secondary College will work together to roll out the project, which will also open up the possibility of night competitions. This upgrade will help maximise the use of the facilities, and therefore participation, by expanding the lit areas of the ground, Mitchell Shire Mayor Rhonda Sanderson said. This will have major benefits for teams training in the evenings and also potentially opens up the pitch to be able to accommodate night competitions. The upgrade has come at an opportune time, with participation at the Mitchell Rangers Soccer Club booming by 53 per cent from 2010 to 2016. Cr Sanderson said the funding was a wonderful example of working collaboratively and forming partnerships. With rate-capping placing pressure on local government budgets and schools continuing to face challenges in maintaining their facilities, effective joint partnerships are vital, she said. Council would like to sincerely thank the Victorian Government for investing in sporting assets for our community, which will be used by not only our current residents, but by all those who will soon call Mitchell home. The lighting upgrade comes on the back of the Broadford Sports Pavilion, which was built last year. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said she worked closely with the Mitchell Rangers Soccer Club, Broadford Secondary College and Mitchell Shire to secure the funding. Im very proud to deliver this project as it not only assists Broadford Secondary College students with their sporting and recreation activities but also provides the growing Mitchell Rangers Soccer Club even greater training and playing opportunities, she said. Having lighting will open up significant new opportunities for both the school and soccer club. We want our students and clubs to be as active as possible and improving facilities like this means that everyone in our community can benefit. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.