Lovell, Symes, at the double supporting MSC

27 Sep 2017 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) LIBERAL upper house member Wendy Lovell (MLC, Northern Victoria) has joined in the chorus of support and called on the State Government to commit funds to complete the upgrade of the Mansfield Secondary College. Both sides of politics want to see Mansfield Secondary College completed. Ms Lovell is united with Labor upper house member Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) and Cindy McLeish (MLA, Eildon) in supporting the push for further funding. In a constituency question to the Minister for Education during a recent parliament sitting, Ms Lovell challenged the government to provide $4-5 million in the 2018/19 state budget to fully address the schools glaring needs. Thanks to the advocacy of my colleague and Member for Eildon Cindy McLeish, Mansfield Secondary College received $3.4 million in the 2016 budget for an upgrade that was well and truly overdue, said Ms Lovell. I join with Cindy in calling on the government to commit further funding to ensure a full upgrade occurs to satisfy the educational needs of Mansfield students now and into the future. After recently visiting the college for herself, Ms Lovell said the additional money will fully address the schools glaring needs including completing the upgrade of ailing classrooms, construction of an indoor gymnasium and expanding the technology and art spaces of the school. Mansfield Secondary College provides a great learning environment for its students and this additional funding will provide the college with the opportunity to produce even better educational outcomes and place itself among the very best Victorian secondary schools, Ms Lovell said. That is why I have asked the minister to provide a commitment in the 2018/19 state budget to fund an additional $4-5 million to complete the upgrade of the Mansfield Secondary College. Caption Text: WHOLE LOTTA LOVELL: Wendy Lovell (MLC, Northern Victoria) has come out in support of Mansfield Secondary College, calling on the government to fully fund the schools upgrade. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.