Mens Shed to get new digs

20 Sep 2017 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) They spend their spare time building and refurbishing items for the community. Now members of the Broadford Mens Shed are getting a revamp of their own. The shed has received $53 814 to build new facilities thanks to grants from the Victorian Government, with in-kind support from Mitchell Shire Council. The grant will allow more men in the community to build new friendships, skills and community connections. Mens sheds are such wonderful assets that play a vital role in the health and wellbeing of our wider community, Mitchell Shire Mayor Rhonda Sanderson said. Theyre inclusive, enhance social connection, keep peoples minds and bodies active, and produce some fantastic items that can be shared with our community. By building these new facilities, the mens sheds will be able to cater for more members now and into the future, which will be more important than ever as our community grows. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes was there for the funding announcement. She said the new mens sheds would be built in 13 communities across the state, while another 10 would be refurbished. Men in Broadford . . . will now have a brand new home where they can get together, work on valuable projects and forge strong ties with other members of their community, she said. Mens sheds play a vital role in local communities throughout Northern Victoria. Labor is proud to support the movement that gives back to the local community as well as improving mens health and wellbeing. The new shed will complement an exciting hub of nearby community facilities in Broadford. With the $660 000 upgrade to the Broadford Living and Learning Centre in full swing next door, and the recently-completed Broadford Youth Room nearby, the northern part of Broadford will become an active community hub once this new facility is in place, Cr Sanderson said. Caption Text: Help for the helpers: Mitchell Shire Mayor Rhonda Sanderson, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes and Victorian Mens Shed Association executive officer Ric Blackburn with members of the Broadford Mens Shed, which received a significant Victorian Government grant last week. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.