More defibrillators for local sporting clubs

29 Nov 2016 The Free Press, Kilmore, VIC (General News) WALLAN Tennis Club, Melbourne Airport Pistol Club and Seymour Pony Club are among 20 clubs in country Victoria to receive a life-saving defibrillator from the state government as part of the second round Defibrillators Grants Program. Making the announcement, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the government promised to install the defibrillators at 1000 grassroots clubs across Victoria. Member for Yan Yean, Danielle Green, has also confirmed four additional sporting clubs in Whittlesea will receive defibrillators. Whittlesea Horse and Pony Club, Mernda Dragons Rugby League Club, Whittlesea Ranges Football Club and Thomastown United Cricket Club will all receive a defibrillator as well as training for members on how to use the devices. Ms Green said defibrillators were incredibly important at sporting clubs because when cardiac arrest strikes, theres not a second to spare. Medical experts all say that early intervention greatly increases the likelihood of survival during cardiac arrest and having a defibrillator means players, parents and spectators can step in and take action until paramedics arrive, Ms Green said. Ms Symes said more than a dozen Victorians suffer cardiac arrest every day. A persons chance of survival during cardiac arrest decreases by 10 per cent with every minute that passes and having access to a defibrillator can be the difference between life and death, its that simple, she said. Both Ms Symes and Ms Green said that they were delighted with the positive investment in the safety of participants and spectators. I personally hope these four sporting organisations never have to use their defibrillator, but its reassuring for players and spectators to know they are in place, Ms Symes said. When cardiac arrest strikes, theres not a second to spare and Im thrilled to be able to give these local clubs the extra security in case an emergency arises, she added. Defibrillators at local sports clubs keep players safe and spectators protected, but theyre also a vital tool for the community. Each device will be registered with Ambulance Victorias database, giving triple zero operators a handy guide of where to find one when an emergency strikes nearby. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.