MP visits firewood coup

17 May 2017 Numurkah Leader, Numurkah VIC (General News) NORTHERN Victoria MP Jaclyn Symes visited Barmah Island on Monday to learn about the districts firewood supplies, in the face of early collection closures. The MP met with Parks Vic and Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning representatives to hear a briefing on firewood issues. Ms Symes said she gets a large amount of inquiries about firewood supply at her electoral office. Its a complex area, she told the Leader. We are listening to what the community wants and needs. This is something we can revisit to see if something can be changed. Ms Symes said it was important to come up with energy solutions for the districts vulnerable people who currently rely on firewood for their home heating needs. A report into northern Victorian red gum firewood supplies and home heating alternatives is in the process of being finalised and submitted to the State Government, after months of community feedback. The Barmah Island collection coup will be closed tonight, more than one month early due to exhausted supplies. There is a community perception that there is an abundance of wood, but this is not what the experts are telling us, Ms Symes said. It has to be managed responsibly for a sustainable future. For how long that will be, there needs to be some kind of intervention. DELWP regional community programs manager Brian Thompson said officials had been patrolling the Barmah collection coup and said there were no major compliance issues this season. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.