Musical learning boost

07 Jun 2017 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) by Lewis Fischer Seymour College has been given a $5000 grant to help boost its school music program. The funding will cover classroom instruments for years prep to six, and will include instruments like percussion, recorders, ukuleles, and keyboards. Performing Arts has been introduced as a subject into the secondary school this year and the grant will support the integration of instrumental music into the primary curriculum. Students Mandessah Wyatt, Kirat Kaur, Jacob Trifu and Elijah Gutierrez celebrated by playing the Federation Handbells which are currently on loan to the school from Museums Victoria. The Federation Handbells have been used by students in both the primary and high schools while on loan. Students have been composing their own music on the handbells which will be played in a special performance before the bells are returned. Giving Seymour College students the chance to try out a musical instrument is money well spent, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said. Were helping Seymour College develop and run quality music programs for their students and who knows maybe the school can unearth the next Australian rock or pop star. Seymour College will now be able to provide more opportunities for students to develop musical skills while learning and having fun. The Musical Instruments Grant program has given eligible schools the chance to apply for grants of up to $5000 to buy musical instruments. The program is part of the governments Music in Schools initiative which also provides training for hundreds of Victorian teachers so that schools can establish quality music education programs. Research has shown that exposure to music and music education improves student engagement, wellbeing and academic performance. But musical instruments are expensive and not all students can gain access to them, especially those in rural areas. The Music in Schools program targets schools where these facilities are needed most. Caption Text: Special sounds: Mandessah, Kirat, Jacob and Elijah (left to right) holding the Federation Handbells (currently on loan from Museums Victoria) along with their teacher Hannah Ward and Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.