New defibrillator for clubs

03 Oct 2017 Mountain Views Mail Healesville, Melbourne (General News) by Wendy Williamson NEW life will be breathed into Warburton Bowls Club with the arrival of a new defibrillator and training package, courtesy of State Government funding. The Upper House Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, said the club was one of two in her area to be successful in the third round of the Defibrillators for Sporting Clubs and Facilities Program. Already almost 900 of 1000 planned life-saving defibrillators have been rolled out to clubs and facilities across Victoria. Defibrillators at local sports clubs like Warburton Bowls Club and Seymour Field and Game keep players safe, spectators protected, and are a vital tool for the community, Ms Symes said. In a life-threatening sudden cardiac arrest every second counts, and bystanders play a critical role. As the local Member of Parliament, Im proud of our local sports clubs like Warburton and Seymour for their efforts to make their environment more safe and enjoyable for all. The new devices will appear on Ambulance Victorias database, so that triple-zero operators can direct callers to the new devices available when emergency strikes. For more information about the Defibrillators for Sporting Clubs and Facilities Program, visit Caption Text: Monbulk MP and Education Minister James Merlino with Northern Victoria MLC, Jaclyn Symes. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.