New paramedics fast tracked for Broadford

02 May 2017 The Free Press, Kilmore, VIC (General News) THE State Government has fast tracked a new paramedic team for Broadford and a new vehicle as part of its record $500 million plan to cut ambulance response times and employ 450 new paramedics across the state. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes met with officers from Ambulance Victoria in Broadford last week to make the announcement. Ms Symes said Broadford now has a new peak period ambulance service staffed by a team equivalent to seven extra full-time paramedics. This team will become Broadfords first ever permanent paramedic resource. The new ambulance vehicle will also be based at the new Broadford branch. In the meantime, it is currently based at Wallan, while the Broadford facility is finalised. Ms Symes said it will mean paramedics have the extra resources they need to respond even faster to life-threatening medical emergencies and save more lives. Were rebuilding our ambulance system after four years of crisis and neglect under the former Liberal National Government with the biggest ever investment in Victorias ambulance services, Ms Symes said. Broadford families can have peace of mind that paramedics are now responding even faster to medical emergencies. The extra resources in Broadford will make a huge difference to paramedics, allowing them to do what they do best, which is saving lives. We know that in an emergency, every second counts, thats why more paramedics and ambulances on the road means more lives saved. Group Manager Southern Hume, Hume Region, Maurice Woodburn said the extra resources for Broadford have made a huge difference and that Ambulance Victoria is looking at putting more resources for Broadford into Kilmore and potentially Seymour until the station is built. These extra resources have certainly helped. It means help for the patients and were getting to the patients quicker, Mr Woodburn said. It will make a difference; it has already made a huge difference. Data is showing us that response times within 15 minutes have already increased from 60 per cent to 80 per cent. It gives us an extra resource in the area so that we can cope with the demand. And, with the data showing us how good it is working we are looking at putting extra resources into Kilmore, and potentially Seymour, for a period of time. While we are waiting on selection of the site we are putting on staff and organising vehicles so when the branch is built it is right to go straight away. The new purpose-built Broadford ambulance branch will feature a drive in-and-out garage bay for vehicles, rest and recline areas, training rooms, bedrooms, modern amenities and fully-fitted out kitchen. Caption Text: Emergency services: Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes met with (from left) Group Manager Southern Hume, Hume Region, Maurice Woodburn, Adrian Southurst and Kilmore Team Manager Jonathon McKeown to announce that the government has fast tracked a new paramedic team for Broadford as well as a new vehicle. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.