New road ready to roll

26 Oct 2017 Corryong Courier, Corryong VIC (General News) New road ready to roll Work on the Great River Road project in the Upper Murray can now proceed following the announcement that the Victorian government has committed $330,000 towards the cost to go with the financial contributions from Towong Shire and the Commonwealth. The new touring route along the Murray River from Bellbridge to Corryong is expected to increase the number of visitors to the area and sire rig It ien the local economy. The funding under the Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund announced by Member for Northern Victoria. Jaclyn Symes, will enable Towong Shire to start the Great River Road which is a piioriiy piojecl in the current council plan. The new route will follow the current Murray River Road and Murray Valley Highway and will be touted as the best touring experience of the Murray River, with the spectacular Snowy Mountains as the backdrop, My Synies said. It is set to attract visitors to explore the area and to stay around longer. The project will provide key infrastructure including gateway artworks, signagc, seating, shelters, landscaping, and promotional materials to attract people to travel along the new touring route. We look forward to working with the communities of Towong Shire to advance the project as a way to increase the number of visilory lo Lhe area and strengthen the local economy and employment opportunities, Ms Symes said The $990,000 project is expected to create flowon expenditure of $1.41 million into the region during the construction phase and 23 construction jobs. Once complete, it is estimated that the new route will lead to an additional 1,000 visitor nights and an additional 3,700 day trips each year. These additional visitors will lead to an annual direct expenditure of more than 5450,000 across a number of small rural communities and will lead to the creation of 12 new ongoing jobs/ 1 Ms Symes said. The Great River Road and Corryong Events Centre projects were borne from the community-based Upper Murray 2030 Vision Plan which is designed to drive investment into the district l by identifying game 1 changing projects with potential to build regional long term sustainability, prosperity and health. Caption Text: Two Catholic churches in the district will get facelifts over coming weeks with the major work being undertaken at Sacred Heart in Corryong which will have its 60-year-old leaking roof replaced. The church will also be painted inside and out and the Christ The King church at WaTwa will also be painted externally. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.