Not so Poor-punkah

22 Feb 2017 Myrtleford Times, Myrtleford VIC (Regional Changes Alpine) by Justin Jenvey Shires $500,000 funding windfall for streetscape makeover POREPUNKAHS main street makeover has been gifted a half million dollar windfall on the eve of the project starting. On Monday, Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) announced $500,000 in Victorian Government funding for Porepunkahs Alpine Better Places project which will improve pedestrian links between Nicholson Street and the riverfront. Alpine Shire Council previously secured half a million dollars from the Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund for Brights Mafeking Square upgrade, which started earlier this month. Council also received $618,000 from the Federal Government for the $1.7 million Porepunkah project which will begin this week. Alpine Shire Council director assets Charlie Bird said the funding boost was another win for council. Its a really good outcome for the Porepunkah community, he said. The project will see some significant changes with the removal of the service lane in Nicholson Street making room for more open space in the centre of town. Therell be a number of other streetscape enhancements including the addition of a new barbecue and picnic shelter and a viewing platform over the Ovens River. Mr Bird said works will start with the service lane between the general store and the pub, with the demolition of the existing kerb and pavements followed by construction of the newly aligned kerbs and driveways. Ms Symes said the improvements would increase the attractiveness of the town for locals, visitors and investors. Tourism in our beautiful Alpine region is growing year on year, and the Government is proud to partner with Alpine Shire Council to deliver projects that will help all communities benefit from the economic opportunity, she said. The upgrades in Porepunkah will help draw people into the town centre, encourage them to stay for longer and spend money locally. A public information meeting will be held at the Porepunkah Pub today, from 5pm to 6pm, where residents can hear about the staging of project works. Those who cant make the meeting can head to Punkah Pantry, between 2.30pm and 4.30pm to view the latest plans and talk to the project team. The project is expected to be completed by the end of June. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.