Premier visits, lauds our secondary college

Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) by Steve Vivian MSC students, principal share their vision and ask for more state funding to achieve it VICTORIAN Premier Daniel Andrews visited the Mansfield Secondary College on Friday to preview an upcoming $3.4 million upgrade to school facilities. Mr Andrews joined Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) to preview the upgrade that will include a new STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Technology) centre featuring a visual arts space, science labs and technology spaces. The project also plans to deliver new courtyards and outdoor facilities. The school hopes the $3.2 million upgrade will begin before the end of this year and will conclude some time in 2018 to be ready for the 2019 academic year. MSC principal Tim Hall told the Premier that the school was very grateful to receive the funding, but took the opportunity to lobby Mr Andrews for a further $2 million. With a fully engaged Premier on-site, the schools students and principal made their case for the extra funding that would set the school up for the future. The school is looking for the further funding to cap-off its facilities masterplan, which would effectively see the school completed. Calling MSC a stunning example of state education, Mr Andrews spent time hearing from students on their vision for the schools future. The students did a very polished job backing up their principal, showing the Premier that money spent at MSC is money spent well. The Premier received a warm welcome from students Amy Dixon-Rielly, Nathaniel Inch, Grace Scales, Darcy Croxford-Demasi, Rose Hood Cody Appleton, Kate Thomson and Korey Poole before a throng of staff, students, media and council representatives joined the Premier on a tour of the soon to be upgraded areas. Continued page 2 Mr Andrews was guided through MSCs school based apprenticeship programs, agribusiness courses and shown the design plans for the new facility which should be under construction by the end of the year. After being walked through the new plans, the Premier met year 12 students during their study period to talk about their school, their studies and their aspirations for the future. Mr Andrews was suitably impressed by the students he encountered. These are confident young people who not only have great pride in their school, but pride in themselves, and understand that as leaders in this school, they are leaders in the Mansfield community as well, said Mr Andrews after his tour. After meeting quite a cross section of students today, from different years, with different pathways, with different hopes and dreams for what their professional careers and what their life will be all about, I think that quality of [the students] is absolutely outstanding and it does this school and this community great credit. This is a stunning example of what state education, with strong support from government, is all about: the skills you need for the jobs you want. This school is a part of the Mansfield community, its central to the future of the Mansfield community. Were very pleased to support them with the $3.4 million were providing. As to the request for further funding, the Premier would not be drawn to a commitment, but was receptive to the schools future planning. There will be further work to do after thats completed, Mr Andrews said. Lets get this stage built, its $3.4 million and a very significant program of works thats going to leave only a small amount to do beyond that. Lets get the next stage finished and then we can have a proper discussion about going even further. Ive never been to a school that didnt show real gratitude for the support we were providing at that point, but also take the opportunity to ask for more, thats exactly what Id expect from a good school principal and a good school council president. Mr Andrews, when his tour came to an end, had to leave quickly. The Premier, after being so compelled by his student tour guides, was apparently late for lunch with an old school friend, who must have already been onto her third coffee