Railway underpass is on work agenda

22 Feb 2017 Euroa Gazette, Euroa VIC (General News) JACLYN Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) visited Euroa last week to announce funding for a new railway underpass and extension to the existing footpath along Birkett Street, Euroa. The $75,000 grant from the Department of Economic Development Jobs, Transport and Resources Transport Investing in Regions initiative will go towards the rail crossing project at Birkett Street (Euroa), which intersects with the end of Campbell Street. Strathbogie Shire Council is also contributing $75,000 to the project. There has been significant demand for the crossing from residents and recognition of the safety risk to a range of pedestrians crossing using the road carriageway, which does not include a formal level crossing. It comes after council extended the footpath along Campbell Street last year, with many pedestrians utilising it going to and from Euroa Secondary College as well as the Good Start Early Learning Centre. There has also been an increase in the number of vehicles accessing the road at school drop-off and pick-up times, making the underpass a beneficial project. The project, which sees council contribute $138,000 is still in its design phase and will include plans for surface drainage consideration, configuration of pump pit and pump arrangement, retaining wall structure and departure ramps on suitable pavement. The footpath on Campbell Street will continue from the corner of Hinton Street to the underpass, finishing metres from the railway line on Birkett Street. The project will include coordination with various rail authorities and an engineering consultant, revision of drawings and acceptance of detailed design plans with the appointment of an approved rail corridor contractor via a tender process. Mayor Amanda McClaren said the underpass was a necessary and worthwhile project, considering the high volume of pedestrians using it coming from (or going to) the nearby secondary school and day care centre. It (Birkett Street) is a dangerous intersection for pedestrians. council believes this underpass will help keep them safe, she said. It is expected construction will take about six months in the second half of 2017. Caption Text: FUNDING ANNOUNCED: Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes, Mayor Amanda McClaren, Seven Creeks Ward councillors Mick Williams and John Mason, with chief executive officer Steve Crawcour met for the announcement at the Birkett Street rail crossing. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.