Region to benefit from state budget

08 May 2018 Whittlesea Review, Whittlesea (General News) THE North Central region was In the good books when II came to thls years stale budget with positive Investments Into schools, roads and Infrastructure across the region. As previously reported by the North Cenlml Review, one of the biggest announcements to come out of the budget was the allocation of 120 million for land acquisition for the Kllmore Bypass. An 111 million cash Injection will also help upgrade water mains, treatment plants and waste management facilities throughout Kllmore. Broad ford and WalIan. Romsey Primary School will receive 13.2 million to go towards the Romsey Regeneration Project. This will help the school upgrade and mod ernise Us facilities and also Investigate the possibility of expanding the school from P-f to Include students up to Year 9. Beverldge will receive a brand new school, with 119.7 million allocated for the construc tion of Beverldge West Primary School which will house students from Prep to Grade ft. Member for Nor them Victoria Jaclyn Symes said even she was pleasantly surprised by some of ihe Items on the budget. A lot was pre-announced. I was pretty hap py with schools Investments, roads and the Kllmore Bypass, and then to open and see ihe surprises In the budget along with free TAPE and apprenticeships and kinder funding. It was great, she said. Kllmore have campaigned for more bus services so we are rapt to deliver that. I had a petition put to me from last year and that Is something I am happy to report that, thanks to ihe community campaigns, we can deliver. The Nationals Deputy Leader and Member for Euroa Steph Ryan said the budget could Increase the financial pressure felt by people In regional Victoria. One of ihe things I am most concerned about, ihe cost of living pressures Is pulling people al risk. The government Is upplng vehicle registration and It Is all taxing on the amount of disposable Income. I don I think this Is a budget which will provide relief on the cost of living, she said. The majority of the money spent In Romsey and Lancefield Is going towards upgrading water mains and recycled water Infrastructure to the two towns. State Member for Macedon, Mary-Anne Thomas said she thinks her electorate has done exceedingly well In this state budget. This Is a budget that focuses on delivering the Infrastructure thats needed In our local communities. Im really pleased with the Investment In regional roads, she said. The continued construction of the Mernda rail extension will see an estimated $113.7 million spent on the project this coming financial year.