Road safety barriers to go in at Sawmill

20 Sep 2017 Mansfield Courier, Mansfield VIC (General News) ROAD safety barriers will be installed along a 230 metre section of Mt Buller Road, near Sawmill Settlement, following a number of vehicle incidents over the winter months. Installation will begin in the coming weeks. Visiting town last Friday, Jaclyn Symes (MLC, Northern Victoria) said $50,000 would be provided for the safety project. Keeping people safe on our roads is our top priority, thats why weve invested in this im portant upgrade to prevent run off road crashes, Ms Symes said. Mount Buller Road is a key 17 tourist route, with many drivers unfamiliar with the surrounds and conditions of the road these improvements will make the road safer for locals and tour ists alike. VicRoads and Victoria Police have carried out road safety investigations, and are hopeful that new safety barriers will help reduce the severity of any incidents. As recently as July, a car went over the edge and plum meted to the river below. Although no one was hurt in the incident, the corner is infamous for its slick surface. As part of the safety project, the road surface will also be retextured to increase traction, and hopefully ease the problem. In summer, additional road sealing will also be undertaken along Mt Buller Road when weather conditions are more favourable. We have been contacted about a small number of incidents which involved motorists running off the road and together with Victoria Police, we have been able to come up with a solution to benefit the community, VicRoads acting regional director, Steve McCallum, said. We will continue to monitor this section of Mt Buller Road to ensure the new safety improvements are effective. Caption Text: SAFETY FIRST: More than 200 metres of barriers will be installed along the Mount Buller Road, near Sawmill Settlement. It is hoped the barriers will prevent incidents like the one pictured, which occurred west of Sawmill Settlement. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.