Safety fix on Kilmores Conway Street

23 May 2017 North Central Review (Kilmore), Melbourne (General News) UPGRADES at a busy Kilmore intersection will improve safety for both motorists and pedestrians. Council recently completed the safety upgrade at the corner of Conway Street and KilmoreLancefield Road, which will provide more turning room for large vehicles such as buses. The $70,000 shoulder widening works at the intersection, which is close to three schools, were funded through the State Governments Building our Regions Program. Mitchell Shire Council also funded additional pavement rehabilitation works along Conway Street, near St Patricks Primary School and the CFA station, and roadside drain cleaning as part of the works. Member for northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, described the project as a good collaboration between government and council. These works will provide a welcome benefit to the community and an important safety upgrade for local motorists, Ms Symes said. Mitchell Shire Mayor Rhonda Sanderson said the improvements would make it easier for buses turning from Conway Street into Kilmore-Lancefield Road. With two primary schools, a secondary school and a CFA station in the vicinity, dozens of large vehicles pass through this intersection each day, Cr Sanderson said. Before these works, buses and other large vehicles would have to veer into the oncoming lane in order to turn into KilmoreLancefield Road from Conway Street. By widening the shoulder of Conway Street this problem will be alleviated, making it safer for both motorists and pedestrians. Council would like to thank the state government for funding this important upgrade and Seymour Coaches for lobbying for these safety works to be completed. Seymour Coaches General Manager Stuart Locke said the upgrade had increased safety and usability for buses. In the past, our vehicles had to ensure KilmoreLancefield Road was clear of traffic in both directions before the vehicles could turn left due to the location of a safety barrier, Mr Locke said. With its removal and the intersection re-paving, we can turn left safely. There are no plans to reinstall the guard rails at the intersection. Caption Text: Safety fix: Mitchell Shire Mayor, Cr Rhonda Sanderson and Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes inspect the upgrade works at the intersection. With them are Jon Bartlett, VicRoads senior traffic engineer, Seymour Coaches general manager, Stuart Locke and VicRoads regional director, Mal Kersten. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with