Safety grants for local groups

07 Nov 2017 Whittlesea Review, Whittlesea (General News) MITCHELL Shire and Whittlesea communities will benefit from $18,600 in funding for local initiatives as part of the latest round of Community Safety Fund (CSF) grants. Mitchell Shire Council will receive $9100 to fund Operation Remove: Lock or Lose a series of community awareness forums at a range of venues across the shire to reduce the incidence of theft of and from motor vehicles. A report on the program appears on page 11. The Whittlesea Scout Hall will receive $4707 for security upgrades hall that include the installation of LED security floodlights, a new gate and re-location of existing fencing to deter unauthorised access, theft and graffiti. Whittlesea Agricultural Society will receive $4880 to install sensor based security lighting the societys vintage shed to prevent vandalism, graffiti and break-ins. In announcing the grants, Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes, said the funding will make a real difference to improving the safety of local communities. These grants recognise that local councils and not-for-profit community groups are best placed to identify local crime problems and, importantly, to develop solutions, Ms Symes said. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.