Safety upgrades set for some level crossings

18 Nov 2016 Shepparton News, Shepparton VIC (General News) Several level crossings on the north-east line and Seymour corridor will soon receive safety upgrades with the addition of boom gates and flashing lights. Victorian Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan recently announced the upgrades, which will take place at Benallas Cemetery and Carroll Rds, Palmerston St in Baddaginnie, Mahers Rd in Violet Town, Angle Rd in Euroa, and NagambieLocksley Rd in Locksley. Were upgrading these road and pedestrian crossings to improve safety for motorists, passengers and local communities in central Victoria, Ms Allan said. She said the works were due to be completed mid-way through next year. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the upgrades would reduce the risk of accidents along the north-east line. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.