Saints womens team to benefit from Active Club grant

28 Jun 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) The Benalla Saints Sports Club womens team will be kitted out in new uniforms and provided with essential playing equipment as part of the latest round of VicHealths Active Club Grants, Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes announced recently. Ms Symes, a supporter of the Benalla Saints Sports Club and jersey sponsor of the womens side, has a long family history with the club, with a combined more than 1250 football and netball games played. The club will use the $3000 in funding to purchase new uniforms for the womens team as well as much-needed footballs for game day and practice. This funding is crucial for the Saints to ensure their womens side have the correct uniforms to compete and the basic essential such as footballs to train and play on match day, Ms Symes said. We want to support locals to get active and embrace a healthy lifestyle, no matter what age, gender or ability and the Benalla Saints Football Club are doing that. Benalla Saints womens co-coach Darren Skelton said the creation of the womens team had been extremely successful in providing opportunities for women to participate and develop their football skills. The response and support we have received from the community and government has been overwhelming and has contributed to the success of the team in its inaugural season. We are delighted to be a recipient of the VicHealth grant which will assist greatly to purchase vital equipment to support the continued success of the team in future seasons, he said. VicHealth chief executive officer Jerril Rechter said the grants would help more residents in Northern Victoria to make physical activity part of their day-to-day life. This program is about supporting Victorias grassroots sport clubs to provide a wider range of opportunities for everyone to get involved in, Ms Rechter said. I encourage residents of Northern Victoria to get involved in their local sports clubs its a fun way to keep active while connecting with like-minded people in your local community. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.