Schools funding to be slashed, warns Symes

07 Jun 2017 McIvor Times, Heathcote VIC (General News) MP says five primaries face $100,000 of cuts ALL OUR local schools will be hit with funding cuts according to Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes. Heathcote, Redesdale Mia Mia, Axedale, Tooborac and Pyalong Primary Schools will be hit with up to $100,000 worth of cuts. A Department of Education and Training analysis of the Federal Governments decision to walk away from the Gonski agreement shows Victorian schools will be $630 million worse off under the new funding model. Ms Symes said country schools would be some of the hardest hit in the state from the cuts. This funding isnt just an abstract figure on a page it means extra teachers and aides in the classroom, literacy support for those kids falling behind, numeracy experts, psychologists, speech pathologists and programs, she said. The Andrews Labor Government fixed the black hole left by the previous Liberal National Government and has met its obligations under the Gonski Agreement in the 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 school years. Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberal and National Party are short-changing Victorian students by walking away from Gonski and it is families and students in Northern Victoria who will suffer. Families in Northern Victoria deserve better than a government that hacks away at school funding. Gonski funding is designed to level the playing field and make sure all children have access to a properly resourced school. Needs-based funding started in 2014 following the independent Gonski Review into school funding and means more money goes to those who need more help. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.