Schools share in digital funding

24 May 2017 Seymour Telegraph, Seymour VIC (General News) Students from six local schools will receive a better digital education thanks to a new statewide investment to improve bandwidth and digital connectivity at a total of 347 small rural and regional Victorian Government schools. Tallarook, Pyalong, Avenel, Nagambie, Longwood and Tooborac primary schools will share in the $16.4 million investment. Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said the funding boost would double the internet bandwidth of the schools and level the playing field so that students and teachers outside of the city arent left behind. Country schools will have faster and more reliable access to online teaching and learning resources to support learning programs and an extended choice of subjects to choose from. We are doubling the bandwidth provision to 347 country schools to make sure all students can access a first-rate digital education regardless of where they live, Ms Symes said. We are investing in schools because we want local students to have the same standard of digital education as metropolitan schools. No student in Northern Victoria should miss out on learning the skills they will need for the jobs of the future. This years budget also includes $67.9 million for better IT support for schools and students across Victoria. This funding will see information technology across all government schools upgraded to provide reliable access to digital services in the classroom that are essential to teaching and learning. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.