Send in the trout

05 Sep 2018 Yea Chronicle, Yea VIC (General News) by Joshua Wells THE Goulburn River has been stocked with seven tonne of rainbow trout in the largest stocking of this kind in fisheries history. All hands were on deck for the event as trout weighing up to 4 kilograms were placed into the river, ready for the fishing season which began on Saturday morning. Monster trout set free by Joshua Wells THE Goulburn River has been stocked by seven tonne of rainbow trout in the largest stocking of this kind in fisheries history. All hands were on deck for the event as trout weighing up to 4kgs were placed into the river, ready for the fishing season which began on Saturday morning. The re-stocking began on Thursday, August 30 and finished up on Friday, August 31, much to the delight of Goulburn River Trouts Ed Meggitt who said the Thornton-based farm was proud to be involved. We have been growing the trout at the farm near Thornton and this is a very special project we are thrilled to be part of, these are our ex-broodstock and they are the mums of all of our 2018 fish whom we have spawned, he said. We are so very excited to do this today. Trout aquaculture is really important to the shire of Murrindindi and we are doing 30,000 fish each week going around the country side. It is a great source of protein and a wonderful product to be growing locally for the community it is really good to see these ladies go into the river. At the event was Victorian Fisheries Authority Chief Executive Officer Travis Dowling who said he was happy to see the river stocked. It is incredibly exciting, this is the biggest ever trout stocking in fisheries history in the hope we can get people to come here and try and catch some fish, he said. It provides a fantastic chance for mums, dads and kids to come here and fish. It is great for local investment and we will have one of our premier trout rivers teaming with fish. This is a heavily fished river but this stock will make sure there is plenty for people going forward. We want people to come, enjoy and follow the rules. Most people come and take one or two for the table, and let the rest go when they are here..