Stations to be upgraded

04 Oct 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) Benalla and Violet Town train stations will receive upgrades as part of the Victorian Governments Road and Rail Minor Works Program. Violet Towns waiting area will be redesigned to create a new bus shelter, extra seating and a new ticket office, while Benalla station will have a bike cage installed. Country passengers will also see facility improvements across the Hume region as part of the state governments $22.5 million program. State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes announced last week that Ace Infrastructure and Keystone Civil would deliver the infrastructure upgrades in the coming months. The program also includes installing bike cages at the Wodonga, Wangaratta and Seymour stations and bike hoops at the Broadford, Kilmore East, Tallarook, Wandong/ Heathcote Junction, Avenel, Springhurst and Chiltern stations. Ms Symes said investing in station upgrades and improvements was important for passenger comfort and to make it easier to access local public transport options. Additional bike cages and hoops at our local stations will provide better security for bike riders who wish to ride to their local station, Ms Symes said. The Road and Rail Minor Works Program funds upgrades to public transport infrastructure that make a real difference in improving comfort and safety to people travelling in regional Victoria. This announcement comes as the Victorian and Commonwealth governments partner to deliver $1.6 billion in regional rail upgrades. All Road and Rail Minor Works Program upgrades are due to be completed by late next year. For more information, visit roadandrail Additional bike cages and hoops at our local stations will provide better security for bike riders who wish to ride to their local station.? Jaclyn Symes Caption Text: Major works: Violet Town stations waiting area will be redesigned to create a new bus shelter, extra seating and a new ticket office. Bike cages coming: Benalla is one of many stations across the region due for an upgrade. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.