Stop! In the name of safety

23 May 2018 Alexandra Eildon Marysville Standard, Alexandra VIC (General News) MOTORIST driving through Alexandra will now have to stop at the Grant and Downey Streets intersection following the installation of new traffic signs. The installation of stop signs at the notorious intersection follows from the advocacy of State Liberal Member for Eildon Cindy McLeish MP and the Alexandra Standard. Alexandra locals have been concerned about the safety of this intersection for many years. I am glad to see the communitys voice has been finally listened to and I look forward to seeing a safer intersection for all road users. Ms McLeish said. Ms McLeish first raised concerns about the intersection in May 2017. In response, the Government informed Ms McLeish in January this year that VicRoads had undertaken consultation with Murrindindi Shire Council, Victoria Police and VicForests about potential fixes for the intersection. As part of the works conducted recently, give way signs at Downey Street have been replaced with stop signs, stop sign ahead signs have been installed to alert motorists, a new bitumen surface has been laid, and improved line marking will be completed soon. A consultation session between VicRoads and the Alexandra community was held in March which Ms McLeish attended. I was glad to see local residents being able to input their ideas before these works were completed. It was positive that VicRoads acknowledged that if the works dont get the right results theyll take another look at what can be done, Ms McLeish said. Ms McLeish concluded saying she looked forward to hearing the communitys feedback on the changes. Its so important that local people have a say about what happens on our local roads. I want to hear peoples feedback about the new intersection and the condition of any other roads to ensure we have the right solutions in place. Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said, Weve listened to the community and now were delivering important improvements to this notoriously confusing intersection. These changes will help to ensure the intersection is safer and easier to navigate for both visitors and local residents. VicRoads will continue to monitor the safety of the intersection, to determine if any further improvements are required. Traffic management will be in place for the duration of the works and VicRoads thanks the community for their patience.