Taking flight

21 Jun 2017 Benalla Ensign, Benalla VIC (General News) by Libby Price Airport redevelopment completed The redevelopment of Benalla airport has officially been completed with the unveiling of a plaque at the Benalla Aviation Museum to commemorate the project, by Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes and Benalla Rural City Mayor Don Firth. The Airport Master Plan Stage 1 had funding of more than $1.6 million, with $715 000 from the Federal Government, $500 000 from the Victorian Government, $421 550 from Benalla Rural City Council and $6000 from site users. Ms Symes said the project represented a major opportunity for the town of Benalla and would create new jobs. The Benalla Airport is now up to a standard that will enable the business side of the facility to grow, accommodating larger aircraft and providing greater freight and emergency capacity, Ms Symes said. The upgraded airport will help to make existing events even more successful and will open up Benallas future to host other large-scale events. The redevelopment has delivered an improved and safer runway, apron and glider strips, improved airport drainage, new fuelling facilities, upgrades to the existing hangar and an extension of the glider strip. The project was not without its troubles with the extension of the gliding strip runway last year delayed by several months because of wet weather, until after the the World Gliding Championships in January this year. At the time, Gliding Victoria president John Switala was scathing of the delay and blamed the council for not having the works completed well in advance of the championships. Caption Text: Up, up and away: Benalla Rural Citys Danny Claridge, Peter Davis, Mayor Don Firth, Bernie Hearn, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes and Barb Alexander at the ceremony to announce the completion of the airport redevelopment. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.