Think TwICE with ice

12 Oct 2016 Yarrawonga Chronicle, Yarrawonga VIC (General News) by Fiona Blick Moira Shire Council has received $10,000 to run an ice education prevention session in the ongoing effort to deter young people from using this devastating drug. The funding comes from the State Governments Community Ice Action Grants scheme and 12 Victorian community groups, including Moira will share a total of $118,000. Greater Shepparton City Council, Sheppartons Black Eagles Basketball Club and the Wodonga City Council were other recipients of this funding allocation. Moira Shire Councils General Manager Corporate Leanne Mulcahy said the shire applied for $10,000 in funding to help deliver local initiatives such as workshops and forums as well as training and engagement with young people. We plan to roll out the program throughout 2017 and are now finalising plans for the delivery of initiatives across the shire, Ms Mulcahy said. Over coming weeks we will be talking to schools and experts in the field to make sure we achieve the best possible outcomes from the funding and for our community. As the program is confirmed we look forward to making further details available. Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley said the grants would help deliver local initiatives such as workshops, training, engaging with young people, forums and local campaigns. We know community support is the key to beating ice and keeping people of the prisons and courts, Mr Foley said. Locals are the key to success they know what will work for their area. This funding will support them to come up with the plans that will rid their community of ice. Upper House Member for Northern Victoria, Jaclyn Symes said the Victorian Government was providing $500,000 over four years to support local community initiatives and this was the second year the Community Ice Action Grants had been allocated. Im very proud that these councils who applied for funding were successful in obtaining a community grant, Ms Symes said. They will use the money for various programs to tackle ICE at the grassroots, through community forums and other projects. The Labor Government is taking action to stop the drug ice from ruining peoples lives, we cant do this alone we need to engage and support local communities. These Community Ice Action Grants will provide a local solution to tackle ice. This announcement comes on the back of the Australian Community Support Organisation $&62 9&$ Shires decision to deny a planning application for the proposed drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation facility near Numurkah. ACSO head Karenza Louis-Smith was reported to have said the organisation felt compelled to take the matter to appeal. We absolutely want to build the centre and the Smith said. What really drove our decision is that we believe residential services are essential. Whats really important for ACSO is we want to see people get off drugs and get well. 9& practice day hearing on October 14, a conference on December 1 and a multi-day hearing being next year on February 13. in July at councils ordinary meeting where then &U &R[ DVNHG &was determined on two factors. These two factors are the length of the hearing and whether or not council decides to engage a barrister, which could cost around $8,000 per day including preparation costs with a normal hearing said. 37KH 9&council could only argue on a point of law at the Supreme Court, not the actual decision. Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.