Victoria gets new agriculture minister

05 Dec 2018 Wimmera Mail Times, Horsham VIC (Supplements) by Gregor Heard UPPER House member for Victorias Northern Region Jaclyn Symes will be the states new agriculture minister, providing she wins her seat. While Ms Symes is all but over the line following the results from last months state election, she is yet to be formally appointed by the Victorian Electoral Commission. However, that formality is expected to happen soon. Ms Symes, who has close ties to North-East Victoria after growing up at Benalla, will replace Ballarat-based Jaala Pulford as agriculture minister. Ms Pulford taking over the ministries of Roads, Road Safety and the TAC, and Fishing and Boating, in the Andrews Governments cabinet reshuffle. Ms Symes was first elected to parliament in 2014. The agriculture ministry promises to be a lively place this term, with the likelihood the Animal Justice Party will have a seat in the Upper House on the crossbench. The party will be able to push its policies, which include a transition to totally plant-based diets.